Beyond the Buzzwords: A Unified Approach to Resume Screening and Verificationg

Published in ESEC/FSE Industry Track 2023, 2023

Abstract During the recruitment process, many companies handle large numbers of resumes employing conventional techniques, such as manual processing or giving candidates standardised resume templates. To rank and select candidates, resume parsing can be used to extract pertinent data from resumes. However, current hiring practices demand more effective techniques and processes for resume analysis. While simple methods exist for parsing organized texts, they are not effective when dealing with unstructured data, such as resumes. This paper offers an all-encompassing solution for resume parsing, job profile matching, and credibility assessment. The system labels the resume format and applies specialized heuristics to extract information efficiently. This information is then used to match the resume content with the job posting in two ways: using cosine similarity and matching based on specific skills and experience. Lastly, each resume is assigned a score between 1 and 5 based on its format, impact, grammatical accuracy, and the information provided. A higher score indicates a more credible resume. This approach effectively handles various resume formats and designs with minimal loss of information and context.

Status - Pending