About Me

Hi, I am Mohit Gupta

Hello, I am Mohit Gupta a final year postgraduate student in CSE, Specialization in AI from **IIIT, Delhi**. I'm a passionate self learner a a Data Scientist & Data Engineer.
Thought : "Most of how life plays out is up to you!" ~ Sundar Pichai

  • ✔ Call me: He/Him or TeamWorker 😊
  • ✔ I’m currently working on Text Generation, Resume Parsing & Domain Adaptation.
  • ✔ I’m currently learning about Natural Language Processing & LLMs.
  • ✔ I’m looking to collaborate with any Open - Source NLP Research Projects.
  • ✔ Working as a Researcher in MIDAS Lab IIITD: Multimodal Digital Media Analysis Lab
  • I Always try to learn something new & try to complete all my tasks before the deadline with maximum accuracy! 😎

Currently, I’m doing my Master’s thesis in the domain of Natural Language Processing & Knowledge Representation under the supervision of Prof. Rajiv Ratn Shah. Apart from this, I’m working in Text Generation and Large Language Models (LLMs) like Llama, Alpaca, and Vicuna.

Previously, I’d completed my summer Research & Development Internship at eYantra Labs, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay under the guidance of Dr. Kavi Arya. Also worked at BotLab Dynamics at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi under Dr. Sarita Ahlawat.

I had experience in working in two Startups houseitt & Techprodigy, where I have contributed to their existing web platforms, and worked on a client based project naming mystudybuddy.co.in. I’m actively looking for internships/jobs for SDE profile.

Thank you for sparing your time :)